Tuesday, March 2, 2010

What a difference a day makes!

So, yesterday I was all set to write this wonderful post bragging about how wonderful the younger boys were during the day. Then, as I was finishing the post, I had a quick thought, "if you post this entry you are going to jinks yourself". Thought was correct. Yesterday the younger boys played so nicely with each other for like an hour or so. It was so wonderful I was able to finish all my Monday morning chores in record time. I also had time to fold all the laundry and actually put it in it's place before snack time. Usually I am lucky to get the bathroom clean with only a couple of disturbances. But, yesterday Gavin and Matthew played so nicely together. I was even able to take some clothing out of storage for Gavin.(darn kid he is growing so fast). I am also going to brag how easily they both went down for a nap and bedtime. It was so wonderful.
Well, that all went out the window today as we did our errands. It all started at Home Depot where Gavin felt the desire to pull of the blossoms of a flower I was looking at. He almost went for the Blackberry bush I was looking at. Thank goodness for fast reflexes. Then, we did our weekly shopping at Winco. What trip! Gavin kept trying to climb out of the shopping cart to grab stuff to eat. I guess he was still hungry a granola bar was not enough for him. He managed to grab a box of Macaroni and Cheese. At first I thought great a toy than a few minutes later I realized he was eating the box. I am glad it was only .75 lunch for tomorrow or Thursday. Then, as we were looking in the bulk section ( I love this section) Matthew decided that he was going to sample as we walked along. I told him to stop and I wish we had room in the cart but it was full. As I was filling up on flour he started to sample the wonderful items in that section; flour, blueberry muffin mix, corn meal, finally he sampled some baking soda. That was the end of his sampling. It was kinda funny, I am glad he learned his lesson. When we got home no one wanted to come inside so they played in the backyard until it started to rain. The boys did not want to take a nap so after crying for a while they are finally asleep and I am enjoying some peace.

1 comment:

Lisa C said...

I laughed at the part about the baking soda. Well, at least Matthew and Gavin are playing well together, that's something!